Bus services on Dhaka-Munshiganj resume

Bus services on Dhaka-Munshiganj route have been resumed after a four-day halt following authorities’ move to temporarily repair the creaky road. Munshiganj District Bus Owners’ Association president Manjur Rahman said transport workers returned to work on Sunday morning as some measures, though inadequate, had been in place.

The strike began on Wednesday, demanding repairs of the rundown road.

“Though the initial repair work with brick dusts will not work, we’ve decided to run buses considering public sufferings,” he said.

Thousands of passengers use the road as a good number of them daily join their work in the capital, Dhaka, from the neighbouring district.

Manjur feared that the road would go unfit again.

The association says that several parts of the road have been damaged while a stretch of eight kilometres from Charmoktarpur to Panchabati in Narayanganj has extremely been unfit to travel.

Executive engineer Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman of Bangladesh Bridges Authority told bdnews24.com on Saturday that they were initially using brick-dusts and sand to make the road fit for vehicles.

Last week, transport owners of Mohakhali Bus Terminal halted bus services in 13 routes including Dhaka-Mymensingh and Dhaka-Tangail, demanding repair of the battered roads. The strike was later withdrawn upon assurance from the communications minister that those would be repaired before Eid-ul-Fitr.

Meanwhile, residents in the small town linked their hands for 10 minutes on Sunday to form a symbolic human chain, demanding appropriate measures to repair the dilapidated road.

The gathering organised by Consumer Association of Bangladesh also demanded that the government solve gas and electricity crises in the town without any delay.
They stood in front of the district’s Press Club from 10am.


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