Blockade affects vegetable growers in Munshiganj

Mozammel Hossain Sajal: The vegetable growers in the district are frustrated as they are not getting fair prices of their produce due to indefinite blockade being enforced by the BNP-led 20-party alliance, though the farmers got higher prices in the beginning of the season.

Farmer Abdur Razzak of Rampal said, “Now two pieces of cabbage are being sold at Tk 8-10 while a few days ago only one piece would sell at Tk 10-12.”

Munshiganj is the largest potato grower district in the country. Due to blockade, potato growers are also affected.

Farmer Akter Mahmud of Tatikandi village of Sadar upazila said, “Farmers do not get fair prices for their produce. The wholesale price of potato is Tk 10-12 per kg.”

Jamir Mia of Rampal said, “We have to sell bitter gourd at Tk 14-15. But farmers can profit if they can sell bitter gourd not less than Tk 20 per kg.”

Now per piece pumpkin sells at Tk 25, per kg bean at Tk15, papaya at Tk10. Besides, all other vegetables prices are also coming down every day as supply is much higher in comparison to the demand in the local market.

Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Kazi Abdul Aziz said, “Vegetables growers do not get adequate prices for their produce though they have grown more vegetables compared to the last season’s.”

“Last season, a cauliflower would sell at Tk 20, but this season, farmers get Tk 8-10 against per piece cauliflower,” he added.

Farmers from different upazilas of the district said now their main concern is to find a way out to compensate their losses, otherwise many of them would be in trouble to start cultivation for the next season.


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