Hailstorm damages bangi, pumpkin worth Tk50 lakh in Munshiganj; farmers in disarray

While the countrymen’s long wait for rain has finally come to an end this week, last night’s heavy rain and hailstorm have caused huge loss to the farmers of Munshiganj.

An estimated Tk50 lakh worth of crops, including bangi, a type of melon, and pumpkins planted across 30 acres of field along the Meghna riverside in Munshiganj were damaged by hailstones, said the Munshiganj Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE).

“It will take a long time for farmers to recoup this loss. Other crops were also damaged. The exact amount of damage cannot be determined immediately,” Munshiganj DAE Deputy Director Biplab Kumar Mohant told The Business Standard.

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Other areas, including Khaskandi, Ramzanbeg and Charkewar, also suffered a lot of damage to their crops, according to farmers.

Many other crops including jhinga, bitter gourd, and chichinga were also damaged by the hailstorm.

Zainal Hasan, a farmer, lamented that he was on the verge of incurring a huge loss as his entire field of bangi was damaged.

Another farmer, Siraj Sutra, said all the bangi got mashed to the ground.

He would need about Tk70,000 to recover from the situation, an amount that does not come easy to him.


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