Bashundhara Ad-din Hospital stands by poor

The Three-storied school building was overcrowded. Rooms were packed. Many were also in queues on playground. At first sight, someone might think a poll was underway.Someone would get surprised, seeing the presence of a good number of children there. All puzzles would be solved after seeing the nameplates – ‘medicine department’, ‘children department’ etc.

This scenario would surely match with a hospital. Several ambulances were parked in front of the building. Inside the building, doctors, in aprons, were seen busy. Patients stood holding prescriptions and medicines. Surgeries were also underway on the second floor. All things turned “Uttar Balashur Government Primary School” into a hospital on Saturday.

These were the scenarios of the ‘Free Medical Camp’ arranged by the authorities of the Bashundhara Ad-din Medical College and Hospital in Balashur area under Sreenagar upazila of Musiganj district.

Local social worker SM Mostafizur Rahman came up with his all-out cooperation to make the camp successful. Poor people of the area got medical services at free of cost at the camp for the whole day.

A total of 650 patients received treatment at the camp, said Doctor Wahida Hasin, assistant director of Bashundhara Ad-din Hospital.

Of the patients, 313 were affected with different types of eye related diseases, 42 got gynecological treatment and 108 received medicine for other diseases.

Besides, some 74 people were given different kinds of surgical treatment.

According to the director, six out 22 enlisted children were circumcised (given Khatna) at the camp while the rest will be given on next Saturday (March 8).

According to the director, all patients have been provided almost all medicines as prescribed by doctors at free of cost. In addition, several patients were taken to Bashundhara Ad-din Hospital, situated at Bashundhara Riverview Project in Keraniganj of Dhaka.

They were also given emergency treatment for free, the director added.

An elderly woman, Hasina Begum, who visited an eye specialist at the camp, said “I have been suffering from diabetics since earlier, have problems in sighting too. I can’t go to Dhaka to see a good doctor there. So, I approached to the camp, hearing that good doctors have come here.”

“It has benefited me a lot. I visited the doctor free. Now, they will give me medicines free too”, said Hasina happily.

Sahida Begum of Natun Bazar area visited doctors there for her four-year old daughter Sanjida. Doctor prescribed three types of medicines, for the kid. As per the prescriptions, Sahida took a “J Max’ syrup and two different kinds of medicines and came out of the building.

Standing on the playground, Shaida said “Government hospital in the area is located far away from my house. The child has been suffering from disease for long. I brought some medicines from a pharmacy to feed the kid. I can’t go to Dhaka for lack of money.”

“I’m really happy to get a good medic here,” Shahida added joyfully.

Moreover, Khabir Mollah was seen getting down from the 1st floor, holding a child in his lap. Asked what happened to the kid, Mollah said, “My son has been circumcised (given Sunnat-e-Khatna) at free of cost. No problem occurred.”

“Two/three doctors have been giving ‘Sunnat-e-Khatna’ to the children. I never thought to get such better opportunity”, he added.

The hospital director, Wahida Hasin, said “We go to different places every month and try to provide free treatment to the poor there. Consequently, people get services and government medical programs have also been assisting them as well.”

“We come close to them who can not enjoy the opportunity to get better medical treatment due to the lack of money and we provide them treatment at the camps,” Wahida added.

A team of specialists, including eye specialist Dr Ruhul Amin, gynecologist Dr Nadira Begum, child specialist Dr Deepa Saha, and medicine specialist Dr Selim Mahmud, provided treatment to the patients at the camp whole day.


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