More than 40 people fell sick after taking iftar at Ghasipukur at Munshiganj sadar upazila on Sunday. Of them, 20, including women and children, were admitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital in the evening after authorities of Munshiganj Sadar Hospital referred them to Dhaka.
DMC medicine department medical officer Nur-e-Alam said the victims were suffering from food poisoning.
Carers of the victims at DMCH said all the victims attended an iftar party hosted by Saleha Begum, one of their relative and neighbour, at her house and fell sick.
They said that all food items, except chickpea, were prepared at home.
Most of the people felt abdominal cramp and vomiting hours after having the chickpea and puffed rice.
They were sent to Munshiganj Sadar Hospital for treatment from where 20 were referred to DMCH.
New age
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