Authorities have turned on the lights of Padma Bridge three weeks ahead of its opening. On Saturday, 24 lights illuminated the Mawa end of the bridge at 6pm, bringing joy and excitement to those working on it.
The gleaming structure drew in the locals on Saturday evening.
“This is the first time the bridge has lit up. The lights were not powered on since they were placed,” said Dewan Abdul Kader, the executive engineer of the bridge.
The engineers said each light on the bridge had a backup in case any of them goes out.
Authorities began setting lamp posts at the Mawa end of the bridge on Nov 25. The work was completed on Thursday.
The engineers said a total of 415 posts were set up along the 6.15 km structure – 328 of them on the main bridge, 46 at Janjira end and 41 more at Mawa end. All the posts have not yet been connected to power.
There are eight panels to operate the 415 lamp posts. All the connection points are going through a final checking phase before the panels are connected to the two substations below the two ends of the bridge.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will open the bridge on Jun 25 to connect people from south-western Bangladesh.
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